Can You Go Back?
Can you go back to the fields where you picked blackberries as a child or to the woods where you built a fort? What about the hill where you rode your sled, or the creek where you fished with your friends? Or have those places been turned into look-alike shopping malls, housing plans and big-box sprawl?
Across the nation and right here in Western Pennsylvania, poorly planned development is paving over cherished landscapes, degrading our natural resources and taking away farms that provide fresh, locally grown food.
Nationwide, we consume the equivalent of 5,000 football fields of land each day! That’s more than two million acres a year, 200 acres per hour; 3 acres per minute!*
Sprawl not only wastes valuable open space, but strains municipal and school district budgets to provide new roads, infrastructure and costly public services over a wider area.
Metropolitan Pittsburgh’s population is shrinking at an increasing rate+, yet we convert 40 acres of land for development every day. Once this land is lost, it can never be replaced.
*Land Choices: October 2012. LandChoices is an all volunteer, 501(c)3 national non-profit advocay organization helping preserve farmland and natural areas, camps and clean water.
+The Brookings Institution: Committing to Prosperity: Moving Forward on the Agenda to Renew Pennsylvania, Metro Profile: Pittsburgh, March 2007.